Portál felületek

Megjegyzés: összegyűjtöttem azon portal felületeket, melyek szerintem
jók. Mellettük a rövid leírás, honlapjuk és letöltési helyük.

No szóval hogy miről is lett itt szó.. vannak ezek a „portal engine”-k, vagy
„portal system”-ek másnéven, de mi most maradjunk az elkövetkezendőkben
egyszerűen a „portal” megnevezésnél. Ezek legtöbbje ingyenesen letölthető a
fejlesztők honlapjáról, majd rövid csomagolás és feltöltés után telepíthetők az
általunk kiszemelt webszerverre. Persze nem mindegy milyen szerverre, ugyanis az
alábbi követelményeknek meg kell felelniük (1-2 kivétel akad, ezt majd jelzem
– PHP futtatási lehetőség (ez mindegyikhez kell)
futtatási lehetőség (lehet egyéb adatbázis is, sok portal többet is
– FTP feltöltés
– Admin felület a MySQL-hez (ez nem mindig

Persze ha nem akarsz állandóan annyit feltölteni, más szervereken ügyködni
legalábbis a tesztidőszak alatt, vagy ha csak egyszerűen kiváncsi vagy rá
vizsont kicsi a sávszélességed, stb.. szal arra akarok kilyukadni hogy nem
feltétlenül kell feltöltened ezeket egy internetes tárhelyre, akár a saját
gépedből is csinálhatsz szervert ahol dolgozhatsz. Ez amúgy sokkal gyorsabb és
kényelmesebb is mint a netes megoldás, kísérletezéshez én inkább ezt

Mi kell ahhoz hogy ilyen szerver legyen a gépedből?
a fent jelzett dolgok
telepítése és beállítása. No de mi van akkor, ha ezekhez nem értesz? Itt jön
képbe a lentebbi pár program(csomag), melyek telepítésével általában felkerül a
gépre minden szükséges dolog. Részemről a PHP Triad 2.1.1-t ajánlanám
(egyelőre), de ha gondok lesznek vele majd azt is leírom :) Ez felpakolja a
PHP-t, meg a MySQL-t is, aztán kezdődhet a móka.. .)

PHP Triad 2.1.1

PHP Triad installs a complete PHP server environment on Windows platforms. It
includes the MySQL database server, the Apache web server and PHP. This package
is great for users that want to get started with PHP, since it includes
everything you need, including a web based interface for MySQL (PHPMyAdmin). All
the components are open source and actively developed. It includes basic
documentation but requires you to learn some additional skills. Also, you may
have to update the individual components to the latest versions.

FoxServ 3.0
honlap: http://www.foxserv.net/portal.php

FoxServ is an Apache / mySQL / PHP installer package for Windows. Unlike
NuShpere or PHPTriad, FoxServ features the latest version of all included
pacakges, user defined configuration during installation, PHP as a module, PEAR,
and the Zend Optimizer

Sokkit 3.0
honlap: http://phpgeek.com

After extensive development, testing and feedback, Sokkit 3.0 is ready for
Windows NT, 2000 and XP. Sokkit is a web server toolkit for Windows that
provides a platform for developing, testing and deploying PHP web applications
with a minimum of fuss. Be a web developer without being a web server

Sokkit 3.0 Core – Web Server and PHP engine. Apache 2.0 and PHP 4.2.3, a
fully functional PEAR installation.
Sokkit Module: Database – Add the MySQL
database capability to your installation. Includes the wildly popular PHPMyAdmin
for visually managing databases.
Getting Started Documentation.

********** idáig tartottak a progik, most jönnek a portal-ok **********

honlap: http://phpnuke.org
a magyar csapat honlapja:

PHP-Nuke is a Web Portal System, storytelling software, news system, online
community or whatever you want to call it. Its goal is to have an automated web
site to distribute news and articles with user system. Each user can submit
comments to discuss the articles, similar to Slashdot and many others. Features:
web based admin, polls/surveys with comment option, statistics, user
customizable box, themes manager, friendly admin GUI with graphic topic manager,
moderation system, Referers page, sections manager, banners ads system,
backend/headlines generation, Yahoo like search engine, Ephemerids manager, file
manager, download manager, faq manager, advanced blocks system, reviews system,
newsletter, multilanguage content management, encyclopedia generator, md5
password encryption, support for 25 languages, 100% modular and more. Written
100% in PHP and requires Apache, PHP and a SQL Database Server. Supports MySQL,
PostgreSQL, Adabas, mSQL and many others.

honlap: http://www.postnuke.com
a magyar csapat
honlapja: http://www.postnuke.hu

PostNuke is an advanced weblog/Content Management System (CMS). It offers
full CSS support, HTML 4.01 transitional compliant, advanced blocks system,
ability to run multiple sites from one code base and is fully multi-lingual
enabled. .71 update: includes major bug fixes, performance improvements, and
security and admin enhancements.

honlap: http://www.textportal.hu
letöltés: TextPortal

Ennek 2 érdekessége is van:
– az első, hogy ez bizony magyar fejlesztés!
Ezúton is gratulálnék a fejlesztőknek, nagyon jól sikerült dolgot hoztak össze
és nekem nagyon tetszik. :)
– a második, hogy ennek használatához nem
szükséges SQL adatbázis használata, mindent fájlokból old meg, elég ha PHP-t
képes futtatni a szerver.

A honlapról csent rövid leírást is beteszem
Bizonyára láttál már néhány
PHP-Nuke vagy PostNuke alapú webportált. Most egy hasonló portált próbálhatsz
ki, amely az adatokat szövegfájlban tárolja, így bárhol használható, nem
szükséges hozzá adatbázis-kezelő.
– Szövegfájl-alapú, a DBM
adatbázishoz hasonló rendszer
– Nem igényel semmilyen adatbázist, így
mindenhol futtatható (természetesen PHP kell hozzá)
– Teljesen magyar
– Csekély HTML és egy csepp PHP-tudás szükséges
– A látogatók
regisztrálhatják magukat, így egyénivé szabható a kinézet
– Az oldal szabadon
bővíthető modulokkal, blokokkal
– Szavazás, fórum, hírlevél-küldés

eZ publish

eZ publish is an advanced tool for making websites, commerce sites, intranets
and portals. The first public beta of the next generation eZ publish is
released. eZ publish 3 will offer services and technology for a wide range of
user groups. If you are a user of eZ publish today, you will recognize the new
system but you will also see a lot of changes. eZ publish 3 is faster, more
powerful and much easier than present versions of eZ publish. eZ publish 3 will
be a refactoring of the eZ publish 2.2 series providing advanced new
functionality. This will restructure the way you work with eZ publish and make
it more user- friendly, reliable and powerful.


honlap: http://phpwebsite.appstate.edu/

magyar nyelvű honlapja: http://www.phpws.hu

phpWebSite provides a complete web site content management solution. All
client output is valid XHTML 1.0 and meets the W3C’s Web Accessibility
Initiative requirements. Currently features: article posting, polls, user
management, calendar, user-customizable theme support, Web site statistics and

honlap: http://www.dcp-portal.org
letöltés: jelenleg
nem lehet

DCP-Portal is a content management system with advanced features like web
based update, link, file, member management, poll, calendar, etc. Features:
Admin panel to manage the entire site; HTML editor to add news, content and
annoucements; Members can submit news and contents, and write reviews; Members
can receive the added content in e-mail; Mailing list; Link, file, member
management; Search engine; Content categories; Dynamic FAQ; Printable version of
contents; Personalization for members; Easy setup interface; Multi-language
support; send to friend feature; Forum; User message system; member agenda; Ad
management; e-mail check for members. Site design can be changed with just one
template file. Comes with phpMyAdmin. Unlimited number and levels of

Mambo Open Source
honlap: http://www.mamboserver.com

Mambo is a feature-rich dynamic portal engine/content management tool capable
of building sites from several pages to several thousand. Mambo uses PHP/MySQL
and features a very comprehensive admin manager. Mambo uses a modular framework
for component/class extensibility. Just untar and read the install note. To
start adding content go to www.yoursite.com/administrator (username: admin
password: admin).

honlap: http://www.drupal.org

Like PHP-Nuke and Thatware, Drupal is a news publishing and content
management system, but is more modular in design. This means that it should be
significantly easier to create extension modules for Drupal than other systems.
Drupal’s features include discussion forums, web-based administration, theme
support, an open submission queue, a personal blogging tool, user management
with access control, filters, a collaborative book writing module, support for
static pages, a poll and file module, a backend that exports headlines
(RSS/RDF), a content syndication framework, localization support, and much

Yerba SAC

Yerba is a portal system made with PHP. Includes a database abstraction layer
(initial support for MySQL and PostgreSQL). It features forums, temporary
blocks, a shopping cart, surveys, news, user accounts, support for modules,
several languages, mailing lists, full statistics, links, postcards, headlines,
banners, chat, repository, themes design creator, graphics generator on the fly
with GD library, messaging system and more. It’s written in Spanish, and
developed in Argentina.

honlap: http://myphpnuke.com

myPHPNuke is a PHP/MySQL-based news automated system based on PHP-Nuke. It is
specially designed to be used in Intranets and Internet. The Administrator has
total control of his web site, registered users, and he will have in the hand a
powerful assembly of tools to maintain an active and 100% interactive web site
using databases. We are on our 7th minor upgrade to version 1.8.8, with changes
in the admin area. Over 100 pages of documentation available.

SaveWeb Portal

SaveWeb Portal is an OpenSource portal developed in PHP. It includes a lot of
new original functionalities along with some downloaded and customized
OpenSource scripts. Features include: Multi Language support, Membership,
Community, NewsLetter, Polls, Articles Writing with WYSIWYG editor, Contents
Publishing, GuestBook, E-Cards, Admin Site, Chat, Forum, etc. Requires a web
server with: Windows NT/2000/XP or LINUX, IIS or Apache, MSAccess2000 or MySQL,
PHP4. Saveweb Portal uses Database (Access or MySQL) and flat files for data
storing. English documents included. v3.2 update: some bugs fixed, Danish
language added, Modification in Admin/SystemInfo

Bandsite portal system
letöltés: bandwebsite.zip

Bandsite is an online portal system designed for Bands. Features: themes
support, news posting, audio sections, guestbook, tour guide, an admin section
to manage overall data and configurations, and more. Requires: PHP and MySQL.
Lots of fixes in the new version, and also a Member listing page and more.


PHPSiteAdmin is a very easy to use portal system, using PHP, Javascript, and
MySQL. It has a GUI front end for the database, and the admins can create,
modify, and delete files on the fly. It integrates all the most popular
features, including a fully custom and feature rich forums.

Land Down Under
honlap: http://ldu.neocrome.net
letöltés: Land
Down Under v502

Land Down Under is a skinnable PHP/MySQL website engine, featuring everything
you need to quick-start any kind of site, but more specifically community sites.
Multi-categories, links, pages, smilies, BBcode, built-in news system, users
profile, comments pop-ups, ratings, event manager, administration tools,
statistics, ability to display pages from databases entries or raw HTML files,
localization support. Fully skinnable, PHP code and HTML layout are 100%
separated. Requires PHP4 and MySQL 3.23 or more, and a MySQL administration tool
such as PHPmyAdmin. ! New features in v480 : Built-in forums !


ScraperWare is a revolutionary PHP content management solution that has all
the usual features like news and poll management. But, its extra kick is the
advanced user management, menu configurations and 100% customisable themes. You
can add menus and then add content to the menus without having to upload loads
of files and change all of your menus. If you have a number of staff workers on
your site, assign them to usergroups so they cannot do certain things like
change the sites configuration. Whereever you are, you can manage your
ScraperWare site through the web-based administration script. If you are worried
about hackers, ScraperWare is 100% Secure you will be safe in the knowledge
no-one can touch your site.

PHP Web Engine

PHP Web Engine is a simple and extremely fast site engine. It uses MySQL for
the database backend so you can virtually have an unlimited amount of
pages/news/links. It also includes a full web based administration that allows
you to edit your site from anywhere. 0.3 Final Release (Stable).

YaPP (Yet another PHP Portal)

YaPP was the first portal to utilize the popular YaBBSE as it’s built in
message board. Using PHP and mySQL, it’s not a resource hog, so you can run your
portal in ease and worry free.

Hugyecz Görgy (Harder)
20+ éve munkám és hobbim is az online világhoz köt. Az utóbbi 10+ évben leginkább keresőopimalizálás (SEO) témában tevékenykedem, mellette pedig Google Ads és Facebook PPC fronton is segítem ügyfeleimet. Korábban 10+ évig webgrafika, sitebuild, weboldal készítés témakörben mozogtam.


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