Tripoli – CSS reset

What is Tripoli?

Tripoli is a generic CSS standard for HTML rendering. By resetting and rebuilding browser standards, Tripoli forms a stable, cross-browser rendering foundation for your web projects.
The ideas behind Tripoli

* to form a generic standard for rendering HTML 4 tags
* to reset and rebuild all browser defaults for maximum compability
* to address deprecated tags in HTML 4 and disable them through CSS
* to separate content typography from layout measurements, allowing simple implementation in dynamic design environments
* to increase readability and web typography
* to assist clients who have little knowledge about CSS to write HTML that actually looks great
* to increase form useability and visual appearance of form controls
* to make the HTML look great in several medias, including screens, mobile browsers and prints
* to embrace W3C’s guidelines and well know typographic rules
* to allow external plugs that can extend generic defaults into more advanced themes

Tripoli – CSS reset

Hugyecz Görgy (Harder)
20+ éve munkám és hobbim is az online világhoz köt. Az utóbbi 10+ évben leginkább keresőopimalizálás (SEO) témában tevékenykedem, mellette pedig Google Ads és Facebook PPC fronton is segítem ügyfeleimet. Korábban 10+ évig webgrafika, sitebuild, weboldal készítés témakörben mozogtam.


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